This I Can Do

This I Can Do

One of the best aspects of fandom is how it brings people together. 

A unified force working together toward a common goal can move mountains and accomplish the seemingly impossible.

At Random Fandom Life we believe each person is capable of great things. But sometimes it can be hard to believe that.

Sometimes in life we encounter moments where it feels like the world is telling us what we can't do. 

On the darkest days, the most unkind words can come from our own minds. Every "can't" becomes another stone, slowing progress until it feels like one can go no further.

Every epic journey begins with a first step.

Instead of focusing on what you can't do, focus on what you can do. No matter how small an act it may seem, realize that it is good and you can build on it as long as you keep fighting. Reach out to help yourself, reach out to help others, reach out to find something to hold onto. Be that light in the world that you wish to see for yourself. Find that first step and tell yourself, every moment of every day, "This I can do".

In an effort to live our own advice, we have launched the "This I Can Do" campaign.

As a fledgling nonprofit organization, we don't have the contacts and resources to do grandiose and epic things. We hope to get there some day. But just because we can't build a school or save an endangered species on our own, doesn't mean we can't do anything of value. So we will start small, we will keep going, and we will tell ourselves "This I can do." Won't you join us on this journey? 

100% of net proceeds from "This I Can Do" will go to Random Acts in support of all of the things they do, big and small, that help make the world a better place.

Visit the "This I Can Do" campaign on Represent CLICK HERE

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Not able to afford an item right now? Fear not!
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"This I Can Do" campaign design 
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